IT and Cybersecurity
Experience-based platform
Human Ressources

Game of Threats

Raise employee awareness and identify your defences in the event of a cyber attack

Your challenge

In France, 59% of cyber attacks result in a loss of revenue or total suspension of production.​

Benefits of Threat Watch


Raise cybersecurity awareness through real-world experience.


Encourage collaboration and exchange: this cybersecurity awareness exercise fosters a proactive mindset for participants.

High-level analysis

Identify the strengths and weaknesses of your cybersecurity approach.

Collaborative experience

Collectively improve your ability to react and respond to a cyber attack.

"Game of Threats is an immersive serious game that has been used by over 150 companies worldwide. It is aimed at raising awareness of cybersecurity issues and risks among management teams and helping them focus their investments on the areas where they need them most. Feedback from clients has always been very positive."

Frédéric Malagoli, Partner, Cyber Security, PwC France & Maghreb | Expert feedback

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