Digitalization of Purchasing : what are the priorities ?









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The PwC Digital Procurement 2022 survey focuses on the digital transformation of the procurement function. This global barometer reflects the current and future state of digital procurement: investments, digital roadmaps, key success factors of the transformation, best practices... Purchasing risk management identified as the 2nd priority for management More than 20% of French respondents are concerned about securing their organization's purchases. At the same time, their objective is to reduce supply chain costs. In addition to being a strategic priority, digitalization is identified as a factor in the fight against threats. Digitization, a vector for data quality In addition to helping to react to threats, the digitalization of the purchasing function contributes to the growth of organizations. A strong trend is emerging: the more the function is digitalized, the easier it is to exploit data and create value. The digital roadmap to sustainable purchasing 34% of French departments mention the evaluation of the carbon footprint of purchasing in their digital roadmap for 2025. To integrate this practice, it is essential to have good purchasing data management, to which digitalization contributes greatly. But how to concretely implement a decarbonization strategy and maintain the digital transformation of Purchasing? Discover the PwC Sustainability Tracker solution, dedicated to measuring the environmental, social and societal footprint of the upstream supply chain. To learn more, log in and download the full study.