"Net zero emissions" objective : French leaders commit to 2022









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French CEOs commit to "net zero emissions" by 2022 The 25th edition of PwC's Global CEO Survey, which focuses on both the global macroeconomic environment and corporate activity, provides a wealth of information on the expectations and objectives of more than 50 French CEOs. Find out what you need to know about the CSR commitment of French companies. Slow awareness of the urgency of the ecological transition Faced with the most critical environmental context, only 26% have made a commitment to the "zero net emissions" objective. In the long term, this objective will have to be at the heart of strategies to mitigate the risks of climate change and to meet the expectations of stakeholders. Do you want to develop this awareness within your company? Discover the Carbon Cockpit and Sustainability Tracker solutions. Risks that concern executives Here are the top 3 risks that French companies are concerned about: Cybersecurity Health risks Macroeconomic volatility Discover the others and the action plan of companies to face them in the complete study. Extra-financial and ESG objectives, vectors of growth and confidence 68% of executives have included satisfaction-related objectives in their strategy. Employee engagement is of similar interest, as it is one of the objectives set by 47% of executives. At the same time, there is a growing desire for digitalization and automation, which demonstrates a link between these different objectives. To learn more about the key findings of this study, click here.